Expected Schoolwide Learning Results

The San Francisco Islamic School is committed to providing a sound environment with strengths in academic excellence and spiritual enrichment.

The San Francisco Islamic School is committed to providing a sound environment with strengths in academic excellence and spiritual enrichment.  By way of an Islamic environment and perpetual emphasis on good character, the San Francisco Islamic School aims to uphold the highest standards to help our students thrive as strong Muslim individuals and leading contributors to society.

Spiritual ESLR’s

  • Development of Muslim character founded upon both the principle of Tawheed and the exemplary lifestyle, Sunnah, of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
  • Contemporary moral decision-making fashioned in a manner consistent with the teachings of Islam
  • Foster the innate moral character and instinct of children, Fitrah.


Academic ESLR’s

  • An academic achievement which meets and exceeds California Standards and the Common Core Standards.
  • Academically competitive individuals equipped for admission to institutions beyond San Francisco Islamic School.
  • Cultivated mastery of mathematics, science, and technology
  • Strong proficiency of English language communications skills in effective reading, writing, speaking, and active listening
  • Acquisition of fluency in the Arabic language through effective reading, writing, speaking, and active listening skills


Cognitive ESLR’s

  • Development of quantitative problem-solving skills employing analytical, computational, and other complex reasoning skills
  • Development of appropriate skills in  an analysis of qualitative problems
  • Refinement of research and investigative skills
  • Proficient in the interpretation of data, comprehension of abstractions, and application of these skills toward problem-solving.

Demonstrated knowledge acquisition that can be verifiably assessed through widely recognized standardized tests such as, though not limited to:

  • The California Achievement Test (CAT) for grades K-12
  • The Metropolitan Achievement Test (MAT) for grades 1-12, and
  • The Comprehensive Test of Basic Skills (CTBS) for grades K-12